dolphin watching dominical

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

dolphin watching dominical

dolphin watching dominical

Dubbed “the most biologically intense place on earth” by National Geographic, Playa and National Park Corcovado finds its home far south in Costa Rica on the remote and untamed Osa Peninsula. The Osa Peninsula forms the large inlet: Golfo Dulce, delightfully surrounded by the small charming towns of Rincon and Puerto Jimenez, the River Coto’s large estuary at Punta Blanco and Golfito on the eastern side.

This remote park in the Osa Peninsula boasts a breathtaking 42,469 hectares of eight diverse habitats and thirteen major ecosystems such as: mangrove swamps, jolillo palm groves, montane forests, lagoons, beaches, freshwater herbaceous swamps and primary lowland rainforests which are home to scarlet macaws, resplendant quetzals, toucans, coatis, jaguars, pumas, snakes, tapirs, crocodiles, giant anteaters, monkeys, sloths, peccaries, etc. All in all, there is the possibility to spot 500 tree species, 400 bird species, 140 mammal species and 110 amphibians and reptiles in the amazing Corcovado National Park. Boasting numerous endangered species, Corcovado contains the only tropical primary lowland rainforest in the world!

Hiking is perhaps the most popular activity in and around Playa Corcovado and the Osa Peninsula. Thus, there are four ranger stations strategically located within the confines of the national park. However, we suggest taking a guided tour anywhere within the Osa Peninsula (Drake Bay and Puerto Jimenez) considering the plethora of wild animals that can be encountered in this very remote area. Bird watching, snorkeling, diving, marine photography, fishing and kayaking are other popular activities of Corcovado and the Osa Peninsula.


    Corcovado National Park is reachable via its two main entry points: Puerto Jimenez or Drake Bay. Flights are offered to and from San Jose and Puerto Jimenez. However, in order to reach Drake Bay, you must fly to Palomar Sur and then take a land transfer to Sierpe followed by a boat ride to this small town.


    As an extremely secluded area, Corcovado mainly offers all-inclusive eco jungle lodges with varying amenities and price points.


    The wettest months in Corcovado are from June to November. During this time parts of the extensive, cross-park trails are closed (such as the route from San Pedrillo and La Sirena). The Jimenez office can be contacted for information concerning other closures.


    Considering how far off the beaten path lie Corcovado and surrounding destinations on the Osa Peninsula (such as: Rincon, Puerto Jimenez, Punta Blanco, Golfito, Drake Bay, etc.), the minimum recommended stay is 4 days and 3 nights. However, with so much to do and so many species to see, the nature enthusiast in you may opt for an even longer trip! A knowledgeable travel advisor will be happy to help you plan your length of stay for the perfect Corcovado Costa Rica vacation!

  • Picture 1 of Whales and Dolphins Ecolodge, Dominical, Puntarenas Costa Rica Whale and dolphin watching, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Diving, Beach.
  • Dominical Costa Rica Tours, Dolphin Watching and Whale watching Tour offers a wide Costa Rica Tours options, like dolphing and watching tours.
  • One, Poza Azul, is located on the Punta Dominical property. Whale & Dolphin Watching: Costa Rica enjoys one of the most biologically diverse ocean .



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